Complete notes for visual basic

tutorial no 1

how to print 1st message   in visual basic step 1 double click on the form step 2  write the code in between the following area private sub form load()print ("well come to visual basic ")End sub 

tutorial no2

step 1:    double click on option button write the codelabel3.caption ="+"label 5.caption  = val(text1.text) + val(text2.text) 

step 2:   double click on option 2 button write the code label 3.caption = "-"label 5.caption =val(text1.text) - val(text2.text)

step 3 :  double click on option 3 button write the code label 3.caption="*"label 5.caption =val(text1.text) * val(text2.text)

step 4 :double click on option 4 button write the code label 3.caption ="/"label 5.caption = val(text1.text) / val(text2.text)

step 5:     double click on the option button and write the code label 3.caption ="mod"label 5.caption = val(text1.text) mod val (text2.text)

tutorial no 3 

how to use check box and option button 

step 1 draw the form 

step 2 double click on the check box 1 and write the code 

if check1.value = 1 then 

text1.fontbold = true 


label1.font = false

End if

step 3  double click on check box 2 and write the code 

 if check2.value = 1 then 

text1.fontunderline = true 


text1.fontunderline = false 

End if 

step 4 :double click on the check 3 and write the code 

if check3.value = 1 then 

text1.fontitalic = true 


text1.fontitalic = false

End if 



  1. Salam, I am shahzad asghar from faisalabad , punjab pakistan
    I have seen your visual basic videos. your all videos are appreciable and very informative. Sir i want to add a decimal button in my calculator. i tryied more and more but failed every time. you just help me that how can i add . button in calculator to make calculation in decimal like 12.54 and so more. waiting for your kind reply. Please reply me on
